

Once you begin a spiritual practice or devotion such as visioning you begin to experience a few things that may be upsetting if you do not know what is happening. What’s happening is called transformation.

Visioning is a practice that puts you squarely on the transformation train. Hold onto your seat!

First the good news; conscious transformation is what we all need to be about. Now, the better news; you can let your vision pull you to higher ground living or you can resist transformation and let the pain push you to higher ground. I choose to be pulled by vision. Here are a few tips that may help to keep your seat on the transformation train and allows vision to pull you:

If you begin to feel as if life as you know it is coming undone, that’s good. It means you are doing the spiritual work on the inside to change how your life out pictures. All that is happening is your old paradigm has become too small and like the chick in the egg, you are bumping up against the walls of the now too small paradigm. It’s okay. Keep your eye on your vision and let the changes be.

Another tip - when in intense transformation, many of us feel like we are dying or want to… no worries. All that is happening is your old way is dying. Let it. When we elevate our vibration all things that are not in that higher frequency fall away. This makes room for the fresh and new. Look for it.

I support people to let go by burying the old ways in the field of prayer. In prayer, we thank the old for bringing us this far and embrace the new. Very soon after the “prayer memorial” session, spiritual sunlight floods our minds and senses and the joy of breaking through the old shell into a bigger experience of life sweeps over us. Do not take my word for this. Have your own experiences of growth, joy and a larger way of being. It is my joy to walk with you and support ease and grace in your transformation experiences. What a journey. Gail

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