
A.A. International Convention in San Antonio - a Giving Opportunity

For the thousands who will soon attend the A.A. International Convention in San Antonio, how about going there with something to give! Learn the origins of Alcoholics Anonymous. Ask others what they know. Inform those who hunger for more. And let them get a full, accurate, concise picture of the origins, founding, original program, and astonishing successes of the pioneer program founded in Akron in 1935.

I've attended the conventions in Seattle, Minneapolis, and San Diego; and I took the opportunity to pass along to A.A.'s archivist Frank Mauser, to Dr. Bob's son Smitty and his wife Betty, to the managers of the Wilson House--Ozzie and Bonnie, to the Hazelden crew, and to many others the facts that I knew.

Brush up before you go. Acquire and take with you The Dick B. Christian Recovery Guide, 3rd ed., 2010; or even better, acquire and view the new "Introductory Foundations for Christian Recovery" class (www.dickb.com/IFCR-Class.shtml). Help those who are seeking God's help in recovery to see just how great a role that God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Bible played in the recovery movement--before, during, and after the founding of early A.A.

dickb@dickb.com; www.dickb.com.

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